Monday, August 26, 2013

[Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Secondary Characters]

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup hosted by The Broke And The Bookish!

Have I ever told you how much I love secondary characters?  I mean, sure I love a great main character, a book is never the same without one, but when there are strong players in the background it just helps make everything run smoother!  I have to say that while compiling this list, it dawned on me that I find a male secondary character to be my favorite kind.  I didn't know that that is how this list would turn out, but it has.  It's turned into a post dominated by the snarky male side kick.  Every girl or guy needs one and these guys take the cake!  But not to worry, a few lucky ladies made it onto the list as well!

Secondary Characters That I Wish Were Real People!

  • Bonheur from "Starry Nights".  Seriously, this guy is wonderful!  That book and I didn't get a long at all, but I could have read about Bonheur and his feisty antics all day long.  I loved how he came across as honest and awesome and even though he was campy, it wasn't a gimmick!  I'd hang out with him in Paris any day!   
  • Balder from "Going Bovine".  This guy is a lawn gnome!  That's right, a lawn gnome!  He's a total bad ass and may or may not be totally obscene and ridiculous.  That being said he's one of my favorite lawn gnomes ever!  (can you tell that I like typing lawn gnome?)
  • Jasper from "The Twilight Saga".  Okay, so I would die and go to heaven if there was a book souly about Jasper and his life as a warrior vampire.  I was always the most fascinated by his back story and all of his fighting skills.  Plus he's got a great personality.  Why couldn't the books be about Jasper and Alice?
  • Callum from "The Ward".  Aww, the nerdy science guy who stays under the radar.  That's pretty much who Callum is and if you know me, having a nerdy guy around is never a bad thing.  Plus he's dynamic and a problem solver!
  • Florinda Grove from "Jubilee Trail".  What, is that a girl I see?  Yep, Florinda is a hooker with a heart of gold and she'll win you over and make you want to be her best friend as soon as you meet her.  Seriously, I've always wanted a friend like Lucinda!   
  • Link from "The Beautiful Creatures Saga".  This guy is hilarious and funny and thinks he's a talented musician.  He's pretty much the perfect band guy and he's always there for a laugh, but on top of everything else he's loyal! 
  • Rocher from "Gorgeous".  Good Lord, I love this girl.  She takes the cake for the "foul mouthed best friend award".  I don't know if that's a really thing, but it should be.  She pulls it off with seeming too vulgar and it's pretty much the funniest lines you've ever read that come out of her mouth.
  • Cole from "The Wolves of Mercy Falls Trilogy".  Cole is your typical bad boy, but I loved the his back story and his character growth so much.  I could have read a whole book about him, but that's not what we got.
  • Fiona from "Past Perfect".  This girl is the queen of one liners.  She's not the brightest light bulb in the shed, but she's also got some of the best wisdom out there.  Some of her lines were ones that I've totally taken to heart, even if they were always followed up with words that made me roll my eyes.
  • Iko from "The Lunar Chronicles".  Cinder's android Iko, dug a piece of my heart out and crawled inside.  She's sharp as a tack and goes out of her way to help when it's needed.  Meyer did such a wonderful job of giving her a personality and making her feel just as real as the rest of the character in her books!
Well there's my list!  What's on yours?  I wanna know.  Leave your link below or tell me in the comments! 


Unknown said...

Yes, I loved Iko too! He was such an adorable robot <3

Ula said...

Iko was such a great character, so human in a way. She was really fun, too! Great pick.


Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

Yes, I really like Iko! :)


Ashley said...

Great minds ;) I do like Cole as well!

Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

Unknown said...

I am embarrassed because I have met a total of TWO of your top ten characters in my reading adventures, HOWEVER, they are two I completely agree with you on! Iko, first, is fabulous. And Jasper, YES, I totally wanted a book about him! His history was the best and I wanted to know everything about him instead of stupid ol' Bella!

Katie said...

I agree with including Jasper on your TTT list. He has a lot of depth and deserves a series of his own. I think what sets him apart from Edward is that he has such an interesting back story and history. On my TTT post, I included Jacob. Although his role was drastically changed in the movies, in the books Jacob was a loyal friend and good person.

Check out my TTT list:

Natalie @Natflix&Books said...

I like Jasper, too. I really did enjoy when it delved more into his past. I loved Past Perfect. I still need to read Cinder, but I have the audiobook checked out from the library. Great list!

Emily Anne said...

Ooh, how can you not love Iko? Great list :)

Emily @ Reader Rising

Anonymous said...

I haven't read most of these, but I do agree with Iko! Strange how Meyer can make us fall in love with a robot like that! :)