Monday, May 12, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Almost Put Down, But Didn't]

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup hosted by The Broke And The Bookish!

When you read as many books as book bloggers do, it's guaranteed that some are going to get put down and never picked up again. On that rare occasion you force your way threw and if you're lucky it all pays off. That being said, sometimes you force your way threw and then you wanna punch your head through the closest wall. You can never tell. So here is my list of books that I wanted to put down, but didn't and the reasons why.

"Dear Killer" by Katherine Ewell: This book disturbed me on so many levels. Part of me wanted to finish it and part of me just wanted to give up. That's still pretty much how I felt when it was all said and done.

"Don't Even Think About It" by Sarah Mlynowski: Oh but I did, I did think about putting you down so many times. This book was just ridiculous and not in a "this is so silly that I love it" kind of way. I think it was just too young for me.

"Elusion" by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam: This book should be called "Plot Where Are You?" I thought I'd find it and that's why I kept reading, but nope, it wasn't there.

"Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer" by Katie Alender: This book was SO ridiculous, but in a way that made it fun after you forced yourself to get over how silly everything was. I think I'm glad I finished it.

"Road to Somewhere" by Kelley Lynn and Jenny S. Morris: The sisters in this book drove me nuts. If it hadn't have been such an easy read, I would have put this one down for sure.

"The Break-Up Artist" by Philip Siegel: I didn't put this one down because I thought that it would redeem itself in the end. It didn't and I don't think I've ever been so furious at a book in my whole life. I was so pissed I gave it 1 unicorn.

"The Burning Sky" by Sherry Thomas: This is a story with a happy ending. Sure this book started out rough and I almost put it down, but I'm so glad that I didn't. It turned out fantastic!

"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger: I've read this book twice and each time I had to force myself to finish it. I won't say anything more, because I know I'm the black sheep who doesn't love this book. *hides*

"The Here and Now" by Ann Brashares: I don't even know why this book wasn't good, but I know I kept reading it because I loved Brashares "Traveling Pants" books. This was nothing like those and it was a sad day when I finished this.

Well there's my list!  What's on yours?  I wanna know.  Leave your link below or tell me in the comments!


Anonymous said...

100% agree with Don't Even Think About It, it shouldn't be marketed as YA more like early teens/tweens.

Anonymous said...

I nearly gave up on Don't Even Think About It too. I think I only persevered because I was on a long train journey! Great list.

Katherine P said...

I liked Don't Even Think About It but I can see how it really annoyed people. So agree with The Here and Now! It felt very agenda driven in some ways. I really liked Ethan's character and felt like he deserved a better book. Great list! And don't worry - I don't like The Catcher in the Rye either.

Nina said...

Is M.Antoinette Serial Killer silly in a bad way? Oh no! I really want to read it. It just sounds interesting and yeah, I like the cover.

Nina from J'adore Happy Endings

Nicole said...

So glad you kept reading The Burning Sky. I adore this book so I am happy it turned around for you. I'm avoiding some of the others on your list. The Here and Now and Don't Even Think About It are on audiobook at my library. Due to the shortage of audiobooks I might give these a shot at some point but my expectations are low.