Monday, March 17, 2014

[Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring 2014 TBR List]

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly linkup hosted by The Broke And The Bookish!

There are so many awesome books coming out this spring and luckily I've got a lot of them in eARC form.  So, this list is going to be all of the books that I'm excited for that I already have my hands on.  They all sound so good and I'm hoping that they live up to all the expectations.  I just gave two review books two unicorn reviews and I don't like when that happens.  So here is the list!

My Spring TBR List!
"Catch a Falling Star" by Kim Culbertson
"Dorothy Must Die" by Danielle Paige
"Dear Killer" by Katherine Ewell

"Prisoner of Night and Fog" by Anne Blankman

"Royally Lost" by Angie Stanton

"The Last Best Kiss" by Claire LaZebnik

"Sea of Shadows" by Kelley Armstrong

"Exile" by Kevin Emerson

"The Art of Lainey" by Paula Stokes

"The Secrets of Lily Graves" by Sarah Strohmeyer

Well there's my list!  What's on yours?  I wanna know.  Leave your link below or tell me in the comments!  


Nobody said...

Yes, yes, yes and yes! I want to read pretty much every book on your list and the two that I hadn't heard of before I now also want! Great list!

Anonymous said...

I also want to read a lot of the books on your list! :-) I hope you enjoy them all!

Christina / Book Addict said...

Fantastic books! I am excited to read Dorothy Must Die as well as Art of Lainey as well….I can't wait for spring! :)

JB said...

Dorothy Must Die was on my TTT as well! I didn't include Dear Killer, but it's on my TBR list. I haven't heard of Royally Lost, but it sounds really cute!

Spiced Latte said...

Out of all of these, I think Dorothy Must Die is one that I've been looking forward to the most! Hope you get to read it soon :)

Thanks for stopping by my post :)

Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm said...

Great picks! I really want to read some of these myself, especially Dorothy Must Die and The Art of Lainey. I hope you find the time to get to them all :) My TTT.

Anonymous said...

I saw the book Dear Killer on your list and immediately checked it out on Amazon. It gave me chills and is now on my TBR list. Check my Top Ten Tuesday list here.

Katie said...

I can't wait for Dorothy Must Die and Prisoner of Night and Fog! I think a lot of bloggers are anticipating those two--at least, that's what I gather. It's really an exciting spring for YA literature!

Tammy Sparks said...

Looks like you have a lot of fun books on your list. I also want to read Dorothy Must Die, it should have been on mine but I forgot about it, oops. Sea of Shadows looks really good too:)

Here's my Top Ten.

Nicole @ WCW said...

I'm really looking forward to reading Prisoner Of Night And Fog. I didn't add it to my list this week, but I can't wait to read it!

LisaILJ said...

Almost all of the books on your list look awesome. I see a love for HarperCollins going on though! There is one book on your list that will remain nameless that I am reading now, and I don't like it. I'll be curious to see what you think.

LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

Natalie @Natflix&Books said...

Yep to all of these. I cannot wait for The Secret of Lilly Graves. That book looks amazing. I'm reading Dear Killer now. It's pretty interesting. Great list!

Nicole said...

I plan on reading Prison of Night and Fog next. When do you plan on reading it ?

Caitie F said...

Prisoner of Night and Fog is SO good. Everyone should read it. All of these books look amazing. I need to read them all